Sunday, December 22, 2013


Been gone 3 days.....home 1 hour, he's already testy.

Some show on TV about science. He says 'nothing else on except baseball if you would rather watch that.' Thinking he was joking, I said nothing. He got upset I didn't answer. I told him I didn't think it was an actual question, but a rhetorical one, as I don't watch sports on TV - he knows this.

Later on, I'm cleaning, he's telling me about the soup he made, partway through, he stops. I look at him and ask if he was going to finish. Apparently because I didn't look at him, he figured I wasn't listening. Asks what's wrong with me, and says apparently two days away wasn't enough.

So.....he can ignore me, but if I don't look at him when he's talking - I'm ignoring him and that's unacceptable.

got it.

This morning, as I'm getting his lunch ready, I saw the wine stopper on the counter, asked if he finished the wine. He said No, he threw it out. I asked why. He said it's because it wasn't any good, was sitting out. It's red wine. For 4 years we've left red wine sitting out. I asked what his real reason was. He repeated. Then, I said 'That's not your real reason'. He says 'you want to know why? When you drank it you got irritable with me'. This was on Wednesday. He dumped it because he was still mad 4 days later. I wasn't irritable that day either. Kinda went like last night where he got mad at something I had done, I've tried to act nonchalant in these situations, because that's how he acts - has NOT been working.

I've tried this reverse psychology thing.....treat him like he treats me. I think we are pretty close to him throwing me out. I guess I just need to go back to being a pushover and let him treat me like shit. That's all he can handle. Last night he showed absolutely no signs of missing me or being glad to see me. He figured I'd come home in a bad mood (which he did figure it was a bad weekend because of lu not showing up and we didn't finish painting). Because he assumed this - he just figured I'd come home in a bad mood, so treated me that way. Which is why the fight started.

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