Sunday, December 22, 2013


...and we were doing so well:

For about three weeks, things were good. No bickering, no fighting. It was nice. Now.....we are back to normal. He got upset that we are leaving for vacation on Sunday - instead of originally planned Saturday. Except that he knew this. He's known this. I was sitting right here when he called his Aunt over a month ago to let her know we'd be in one day later, since my parents would be here.

He's 'forgotten' again it seems.

So yesterday I make the mistake of asking him (politely) if he would prefer if I didn't talk to him as much. Puzzled, he asks 'why?'. " well, you are either completely annoyed with me bothering you, or you completely block me out." His reply "well, you are always either talking to the dogs or just rambling". So I walked away. That was my answer. Of course I talk to my dogs, I've got a husband who constantly ignores me, or gets offended, convinced I've got some tone or underlying evil reasoning.

Then, this morning - we start talking about the upcoming wisdom tooth removals I'm already dreading. I mentioned I need to find a time to do it, since I'll need to take a few days off work. When he got his done when he was younger, he went to school the next day - I should be able to as well.


Needless to say, I'll make sure either my sister or dad is up here to take care of me when I go in. He gets mad with me when I have a cold. I can't even imagine surgery.


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