Sunday, December 22, 2013


I feel like I'm going to be sick.....

The stress, the frustration, the anger. I'm still shaking.

No, of course the issues aren't there, apparently WE don't have any issues, but I do.

He thinks we accomplished everything on Friday, when I said I had nothing left to say. Why you ask did I have nothing left to say? Because every time I told him of something he'd said or done that hurt, it was my fault I felt that way. Not his fault he said something hurtful.

Florida vacation is now off, which I hinted over the past few days would be a good idea since we are trying to still work things out. Apparently I was the only one who thought we were still having issues. He honestly thought Friday settled things. Because he hugged me on Sunday when I came home and said he was sorry.

I love him, I really do, but I just don't get why he gets like this. I wish I understood his thought process.

Fast Forward to 1am. Dogs are trying to get on the bed, Mazie won't stop growling, I finally get her moved and shushed, and Rob just up and walks downstairs. Says he hasn't been able to sleep at all. I tell him to please come to bed. He won't. He's online, so I grab my computer from down there since I can't sleep now either. He asks 'you getting online?'. I tell him 'you are sitting down here awake online, I figured I'd get on too since I can't sleep now'.

So he turns off the router. (not the first time he's done this)

Thankfully I can piggyback off the neighbors.

He even suggested last night while still downstairs 'well, i guess if we are still having issues, you should sleep on the guest bed.' really?

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