Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Speak up!

....and so I am. Well - more so than before anyway. I'm getting close to that breaking point. Where I'm not afraid of the 'big bad boss', and don't mind telling her when she's being unfair to me. I came in this morning and checked my work emails just to find this one 'You are not closing that. Sorry, my assistant does not always read the contract as she should. sorry :) I will tell her to send it to the other closing company.'

You can't be serious. I had no idea what this was for - as I didn't send ANY of the info on that closing to the person she was emailing. Turns out the warranty site I order from has them set as a default, and it automatically faxes them. Every single day she speaks to her clients and vendors and makes me sound like nothing more than an incompetent moron. I sit idly by and do my work and listen to her on the phone talking about me, and what I didn't do, or I didn't send out - when in fact, it's 90% of the time, something she hasn't done yet. I'm nothing more than a grossly underpaid punching bag, and I've had enough.

....and on to cheery things. Like, a tanking stock market, or an absolute disaster of an oil spill that no one can seem to figure out how to contain.

Maybe some days we just need a little bit more encouragement than normal. That little extra push, and someone there at the end of the day to tell you that tomorrow is a new, brighter day with endless possibilities. Those few words can really change your day.

1 comment:

  1. A number of years ago, on a Friday evening, eleven apostles had just lost their leader. They thought He was going to usher in a new and better world. Now he was dead, just like all the ones who promised a better life before. They were as low and as discouraged as one could be. Their dream was shattered.

    BUT......Sunday came. And amazing things happened.

    And Sunday has always come since.

    And your Sunday will come too, even if the couple of nights before seem exceptionally long.
