Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You should start a pool

On what day I quit. It is nearing. :)

Unless of course I can get fired.

I was thoroughly relived that the boss found someone to clean her house for her. I'm finally off the hook. Some girl came in yesterday for about 2 hours and accomplished basically nothing. Which amazes me. In two hours I can scrub an entire level of my house, top to bottom. This girl managed to dust one bedroom and a hallway. So this morning, I should not have been surprised that I was asked to finish up cleaning the entire house for her.

Not happening.

If things are slow, I'll go home, I'll go job hunting, hell, I'll go to the doctor if it will get me out of cleaning your house. It's dark, it's old, and it's dingy (much like you, dear boss) and I'm not your maid. Here's a thought. Learn how to place an ad on Craigslist. It has got to be the most simple website out there. is more complicated, so I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out.

So I also get asked to 'scan in, well copy, well, make it so it's 3 pages, but not really a copy, but make it so you can send it' this article on Alzheimer's to send to her various relatives. Maybe it's just my dry sense of humor, but I want to 'forget' to do this. ( lol )

...and ok. I have to wonder. WTH? I noticed this while walking past the bathroom to make her bed this morning.

I think the last time I unrolled that much paper was probably when I was 5, and I flooded the Barbie swimming pool.

1 comment:

  1. Looking at the toilet paper roll I was thinking that it was done intentionally by the shrew. Perhaps it was done to see if the house cleaner did anything. I'd suggest substituting some of this in the bathrooms:
