Sunday, December 22, 2013


sh!t my huband says:

I get home from work last night. A bit tired, a bit frazzled from traffic. Nothing out of the ordinary. He notices I'm a bit quiet, and asks 'What's the matter? Bad day?" To which I reply "no, not really. Just frustrated and tired. That's all." "Frustrated? You don't like your job??" "um, no - job is going great. Just get frustrated with traffic. I don't understand why people insist on blocking me from getting onto the interstate. It's like they are just so vengeful that they do their absolute best to piss off people who are just trying to go home. Just like them. It's not like I'm cutting people off to get ahead - that's just where I have to get onto the interstate. I really just hate people...." Oh....I should have never said a word.

"Well, I don't see why you get frustrated and hate people. Maybe you need to go get some help". Oh shit fire, here we go again. My witty reply: "Yeah - I think you are just too happy. It's not normal. Maybe you should get some help too" As if by my saying this, he'll even begin to see this from another point of view. "You know what, if you are going to be this way, you can stay here, and I'll just go to dinner with Alan alone."

Oh here's the can of worms that you just opened dear husband.....I went off. "Really? If you are going to sit here and get upset when I tell you what is frustrating me, then DON'T ASK. I'm in a bad mood? Ignore it. Apparently you cannot handle hearing what bothers other people without letting it affect you, so just don't even bother to ask. Let me come home frustrated, relax for a few minutes, and I'll be fine. OR, you can ask what's wrong, I'll tell you, and you'll get mad. If you think I need 'help' just because I get frustrated in traffic, then just about everyone on this planet should also seek professional help. EVERYONE gets frustrated in traffic. This is how I deal with it. You don't cope with a bad day the way I do, do you? No. Do I sit here and attack you and tell you that you need 'help' because you deal with it differently? No. Nor will I. You are a different person. You handle things differently. I don't always agree with it, but do I try to change you? No. I accept you, just as you should accept me. Plain and simple."

My rant ended. He was quiet.

Argument ended. I'm amazed.

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