Sunday, December 22, 2013


You did not just say that....: (this post follows just 2 days after having to put Dora to sleep)

Made it most the way through an evening out with Rob and Alan, I couldn't help but get depressed towards the end of the night, avoiding bursting into tears while we were out. On our way back I start to cry......I actually made it through most of the day avoiding it.

Yes, my crying turned into an argument. Instead of just patting my leg or shoulder to reassure me, it turns into 20 questions 'would you have rather left her until her heart completely failed and she couldn't walk at all anymore?' My reply was just to leave me alone and let me cry - followed by 'well, have you lost a pet before? or a family member? I guess I'm ok since I'm older' Seriously? So being the smart ass I am I replied 'yeah, you are just so much older and wiser, knowing the proper way to mourn'. 'Well, how long you going to be like this? a week? two weeks? a month? a year? two years?' seriously, shut the fuck up and let me cry!!!!

He already got upset that I didn't go to work on Monday. He was 100% supportive and there for me for about the first 8 hours......once I wouldn't snap out of it, he got pissed - called me 'unrealistic', which resulted in me talking to dave for an hour at 1am just because I had to have someone to talk to, and he refused to even come to bed because of my 'attitude'.

thanks a f'n heap you sensitive and supporting husband.


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