Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where'd all the good people go?

The follow up to my July 4th blog. The pride I feel for my country - I don't always feel it.

I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated with people. Not all people, but I'd say about 40%, easy. People are so self absorbed. So caught up in their own little lives they can't look around and see beyond it. Each day I look around and wonder if there really is more good than bad. And I honestly don't think so. People are only out for themselves. They don't want to be inconvenienced by anyone or anything. That cell phone call they are on is more important than being polite and respecting the cashier in the check out lane. Cigarette butts are something that can and should be thrown out the window.....don't mind the person in the convertible behind you. Really. Don't realize the fact you are throwing something out that does not belong on the shoulder of the road.

People litter, and they waste. They intentionally tick off other drivers on the road just for kicks. 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. Those are the ones that don't work, and have the government pay for their food, their cell phone, their housing.....and these are the people who aren't even the REALLY bad ones! Don't even get me started on people who rape, hurt children, or abuse animals.....they deserve just what is coming to them.

I've seen an SUV full of mexicans stop in the middle of the road, open their car door, and drop an entire garbage bag out on the street. It's things like this that disgust me. People just don't care. There is no 'treat others as you would like to be treated'. People don't try to live a good life, and maybe it's just me, but I find it really disturbing. My boss even, who claims to be a woman of God, belittles me and insults me on a daily basis - blaming me for anything that goes wrong. If I make a mistake, I'll admit it. People - take responsibility for your words and actions!!! It is no ones fault but your own!

Maybe I'm just old fashioned. I want to help people. I want to help kids, I want to help animals.....I want to give more than I have. Nothing really great comes to me. No success, not great paying job so I can do more for others. I must be doing something wrong. I know I'm not alone....there are others like me who struggle and do good things in life, and feel like I feel.

Nothing in life is fair.....

and no statement is more true than that.

/Wednesday Rant

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