Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jo's Excellent Midwest Adventure & Weekend Kayaking

Wow has it been a full weekend and crazy past few days. We spent the weekend in GA visiting family, repairing a house, and playing with goats. Sunday for Lu's birthday we headed to the Chattahoochee to do some kayaking. I was pleasantly surprised that mom was even interested in going. All through scouts when we were younger she would never even toy with the idea of going white water rafting with us - so I was happy to see she was getting a little more adventurous. The morning started off foggy, and the water was freezing - mom, of course wore her sweater. On the river. In July.

and my handsome river guide:

We all had a blast and the 2 hour journey went by all too fast. It was just wonderful to be out and doing something as a family. It had probably been 4+ years since the last time we had. We need more weekends like that.

And now onto my Midwest Adventure - I didn't publish much before hand - thoroughly believing if I had, then I would have jinxed this entire thing.

Good News - my plane did not crash in a fiery wreck, and I once again, did not die on the flight. Whew.

I enjoyed my trip back across America's Heartland. I've always wondered how much corn needs to be grown in order for Kroger to sell it 10 ears for $3. Now I know. Illinois is nothing but corn. Mile after mile after mile. I spent 7 hours in total driving through Illinois. But don't get me wrong - it's absolutely beautiful, and with a can or two of sugar free red bull, and some tasteful Rap CD's, it's enough to keep anyone wide awake and hyper - even through a 7 hour drive of corn.

My favorite part though was the windfarms. Those machines fascinate me and I think it's one of the most beautiful man made creations we have in this country. If it wasn't corn I was driving past, it was windfarms - watching our fields produce energy for us all to use. I love it.

It wasn't a bad trip back at all, and that 91/2 hour drive went by quicker than most 4 hour drives home to GA to visit family. I used to drive distances like this all the time when I was younger - I never remember my back hurting this bad. I guess I'm starting to show my age! And if you can believe it - I didn't bring a camera. I almost brought my full DSLR setup, but I knew I'd want to just get home, but I still wish that I had it with me.

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