Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's only Thursday. This week feels as though it will not ever come to an end!

Rob is having a good time on his trip so far, and they headed out this morning to officially start the backpacking excursion. While suffering through my workday yesterday he was kind enough to text me pictures of ice cold beers he was drinking and to tell me about the crab stuffed lobster he had for lunch.

rub it in a tad bit more. ;)

Today I came to work, well rested, in good spirits, and with a 'this will be a great day attitude'. Damn if that didn't go straight out the window first thing! At least I tried! So now I know that if I act miserable and unhappy, it has the exact same effect on her as if I were on top of the world. Note taken.

This woman drives me up the wall. She's incredibly rude, completely lacks any form of common sense, and if she can't farm business from you, she'll treat you as though you are pond scum. (oh, it's almost the realtor blog rant all over again!)

Woman - do not leave your undergarments on the kitchen counter. This, I must admit is probably what you expect when you work in someone's home office. But really? Clean, Dirty, I honestly don't care. I don't wish to see them, and I'm pretty sure no one else is the house wants to either. While we are on the topic of 'modesty' - here's an idea. When you go to the bathroom, close the door. Do not talk to me, do not talk to your clients on the phone. Take that time for yourself. I don't wish to discuss contracts with you while I can (unfortunately) hear what you are doing on the toilet one room over. Have some decency, and learn that some things in life, should be done discreetly. This is one of many that you should instill in your life.

While I am knee deep in contracts that you've gotten on my case about fixing, right now, at this very moment - because it's imperative that this or that get changed, don't call me up from my work to help you make your bed. It's a very simple task, one that I'm sure you possess the ability to complete on your own. Even with your complete lack of common sense I feel confident that you can accomplish this on your very own.

Please stop repeating yourself. Once I've acknowledged to do what you've asked of me - it means 'ok, I'll get right on it'. This means you no longer have to ask me to do it, describe how to do it, or phrase it 3 different other ways - just in case, by some misfortune, I've heard you wrong the first 3 times and do something completely off the wall from what you originally thought you asked me.

Think before you speak. Something basic. I learned this very simple concept in kindergarten. Instead of asking a question, then thinking aloud to yourself about it, then re-asking it again, just to be followed by questioning yourself if you should just do it, then to come to the conclusion that it doesn't even need to be done - take those few moments, and rehearse that speech on your mind. THEN, speak. If I said everything that came to my mind I would have been shot by now.

Thankfully it's noon. Tomorrow I'm leaving work early to go get the tags done for my car - then I get to pack up my pups and head to GA for a weekend away.

....but for now it's only noon on Thursday.

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