Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The lake......

As most of you know, I recently bought a boat. Rash Decision? No.....

When I was little, my Grandparents lived on the Intracoastal Waterway in Florida. In 1988 (when I was 7) Grandpa bought a 1989 Chris Craft Cabin Cruiser. Every summer we would don our bright orange life jackets and get in the boat for the hours long trip we'd take. Big waves, dolphins, endless sunshine.......this is what memories are made of.

When I was 15 they moved to the North Georgia Mountains, and bought a house on a small lake. (about 10 miles to be exact). I swore I'd never put a toe in that murky lake. Ironically I was the first person to get in it. The Chris Craft came along, and weekend after weekend, year after year, we'd drive the two hours from Duluth to Blairsville to visit them, and get out on the boat for tubing, cruising, (attempted) water skiing, and the whole nine yards.

17 years have passed since I first jumped in that lake. Years of life long lessons have passed me by.....I still have a love for the water. I missed the days of the seadoo, jumping wakes behind Grandpa's deep hulled boat, pulling tubers, and having a place for friends and family to come gather. Now, at 32, I decided I wanted those years back.

....and that's why I bought a boat.

I know better than anyone, that things change. Whether you want them to or not. You grow up, you age, but you always still long for that favorite place, or that favorite feeling. For me, it's that lake. Sitting on the back deck with Grandma and Grandpa, cruising the lake with Mom or Dad, or pulling Lu in a tube behind the boat, watching her grin ear to ear (or at least until she got flipped off the tube).

There's only one chance in life. One chance to be happy, to do the things we love, I'm not about ready to give that one chance up. No one should.

......and THAT, is why I bought a boat. To all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends. Let me know when you want to use it. You are part of why I bought it. Have fun. :)

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