Thursday, December 23, 2010

PSA to Holiday Drivers

All I can say is......Really?

Usually my little road trip down to my parent's house - 4 hours from mine, is a fairly dull drive. Which, until today I might have complained about.

People, I understand it's December 23rd. I understand you want to get to your holiday destination just as much as I do, but your level of disrespect for other drivers on the road is enough to make even the most sane person snap.

Here's a brief list of things you need to work on:

1.) high beams. These are typically used for dark secluded roads where your only real fear is hitting bambi. Flying up behind a car doing 95mph and then flipping them on in a person's mirrors is just slightly uncalled for. If you think that they are going too slow for you at their pace of 85mph, then just go the hell around them. It's called common sense and it's quite apparent that while you might have the most pimp Escalade in your neighborhood - you have absolutely no common sense. Just a nice chip on your shoulder the size of Montana.

2.) Brake checking. ok.....all I can say is I sincerely hope that the person who eventually rear ends you causes your car to lose control and spin into a thick wooded forest, and let darwin take it from there. You had it coming.

3.) Congratulations on pulling every driving maneuver you learned in your 35 years of watching Nascar. Cutting off that many people got you one car length ahead in traffic. You will arrive at your destination .12 seconds earlier than planned. Go you.

and finally....

4.) blocking. Seriously? We are all trying to get somewhere. I understand this. Aunt Jane's famous pumpkin pie will still be there if you let me get in that lane. Rapidly accelerating to prevent me from changing lanes only proves to me that you are a prick who will stop at nothing to prove your manliness or lack thereof.

Merry Frigging Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Well here everyone is going 20mph under the speed limit as well.
