Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally Slowing Down.....

For me anyway. I drove Rob to the airport at 5AM today, and he's safely in Maine with his buds - ready to do some backpacking, camping, and whitewater rafting. (boys get to have all the fun!)

I halfway thought about flying up with him, but just getting a cheap hotel somewhere, then just venturing out on my own to take pics of a terrain I've never seen before. But...I bought a car, so can't splurge anymore.

I'm starting to recover from last weekend too. We don't usually drink, but we both had a steady buzz both Friday and Saturday night. Friday night was the 'Locust Indecent'. About 10pm we heard a strange noise out the back storm door. We got up to look to see if someone, or some animal was out there. We didn't see anything, so Rob stepped out the door. No sooner than he did that - then a huge screeching locust flies in the door and right at me. You all know I loathe things that fly. They scare the pizz out of me. Birds included. So anyway, I scream, jump up, and try to run away....while still jumping.

It didn't work.

I have a bruise the size of a softball.....possibly larger, on the side I landed on when I toppled over on the kitchen floor. Rob tried not to laugh. Can't say I blame him doubt it had to have been a riot watching all 5'9" of me fly through the air and hit the ground. I refused to step anywhere on the main level of the house until that wicked screeching, winged devil was gone.

Saturday night was the neighborhood Silent Disco party. I had no intention of getting in the pool in my swimsuit due to the fact that I looked like I had been beaten with a baseball bat. Brutally. But we didn't let that get in our way of having a great time. Nothing like walking by a pool to see a bunch of half-lit adults dancing with no music to be heard.

By 1am we somehow thought it was a fantastic idea to order a pizza, and do cartwheels in the front yard while waiting for it.

Here comes part 2 of my injuries. I strained a muscle in my abdomen while doing cartwheels (which I had not done in well over 15 years). Finally today I'm able to move around without wincing in pain. Note to self - if I hadn't learned it already - anything I think about doing that sounds fun after I've had a few drinks, is probably a really bad idea.

Not much else going on. I turned down a job offer last week for probably one of the most monotonous jobs I've ever interviewed for. Yesterday when I had to help my boss tilt the handle down on her vacuum so she could use it, and then plug her cell phone charger into the wall for her (in pain) because she couldn't get it, I began to question my decision.

This week could not be dragging on any more. Things are slow, and I hate having to find work. Then being asked every 10 minutes just what it is that I'm working on.

Where's the warp speed button when you need it?

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