Friday, June 18, 2010

Made it to Friday....Barely

This has been a trying week. I've been overly stressed at work doing my best to still get caught up from vacation 2 weeks ago. As soon as I feel like I've got it all together, I get more listings to handle, and a $100 price reduction on ALL properties. I'm also trying my best to keep on my happy, patient face as she hollers and hovers over my every move. Lord, grant me patience!!

We are still grieving the loss of Lucy as well. Big hugs for my sister as she's still not taking it well. I still can't believe she's gone either. Apparently none of the other dogs will get on the chair she passed's heartbreaking.

My Grandad is doing better though. He had another surgery yesterday on his prostate. Since his initial surgery to remove the cancer a few weeks back, he hasn't quite been right. We are all praying this last surgery will help it, and he can get back to his normal life quickly! I feel terrible I haven't been down in GA for any of this.

Rob's mother is also doing better after her surgery last week. He'll be heading to Memphis this weekend to go visit her and to be with his dad on Father's Day. I'd have gone as well, but tomorrow is my ride along with Mt. Juliet Police.....that'll be interesting!

Yesterday I also had my first skating lesson in probably 12+ years. It was strange....and I was insanely nervous. A million thoughts racing through my mind....'what if my blood sugar crashes halfway through? will I be able to tell if it's crashing, or just anxiety? what if I look like an absolute moron? what If I fall?' It went so well that I bumped my 20 minute lesson to 30 and even then it felt like it flew by too quickly. I landed a couple basic jumps, and even centered a couple spins (that I stopped after 5 or so rotations....). The whole session felt like it only lasted 5 minutes. I know what I need to work on now, and how to fix them.

And poor Rob, working on that dreaded car of mine. The windshield wipers that stopped working a few weeks back have started working again, but will not turn off. So Rob dove head first Wednesday night into pulling everything apart that could possibly be the culprit. I eventually had to go buy a new motor, but until we can figure out how to pry the old one off, it currently has no wipers attached...and no air...and he's such a saint for letting me drive the honda to work each day while he suffers driving the vette to and from the train station. The search for the new vehicle continues......

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